Friday, April 17, 2009

Are Democrats subverting the election process by not requiring valid photo ID's be presented before voting?

Yes or No? Why or Why Not? What say you?

Democrats there challenged the requirement as unconstitutional, although they have not produced a person who wanted to vote but was unable to do so because of the law.

Since a valid photo ID would prevent this from happening.

The mayor of East St. Louis, who lost a recent election, is making accusations of voter fraud.

Voters from vacant buildings and lot, even the dead apparently cast ballots in last month's East St. Louis election, according to Mayor Carl Officer who lost by 33 votes.

Officer claims he has proof that more than 100 illegal votes were cast, including one by a former East St. Louis schools superintendent who died a few years ago.

Proper and valid ID should be required by FEDERAL LAW prior to casting a vote.

It is unbelieveable how any party can get away with trying to pass this crap off on the American people.

ALL people who want a fair election should be appalled no matter your political affiliation.

This is another good reason why Im no longer a registered Democrat.

The major problem I have with this idea is that it's designed to cause inconvenience to big-city dwellers and minorities -- and the GOP recognizes that these tend to be Democratic voters.

Frankly, I'm more worried about voting fraud coming from these electronic voting machines, some of which are tied to Hugo Chavez and other foreign entities. Whatever happened to good ol' pen and paper?!?

Most people are already required to show their voter registration card -- thus only one vote per person. Why do we need to require "valid id" (which, of course, will be made more and more restrictive as the need to further squelch minorities and city voters increases) when we already check voter cards?

I don't believe this whole "vote fraud" nonsense with respect to requiring IDs. It sounds more like a campaign to steal elections to me.

Homeless people should be able to vote, shouldn't they?

in order to vote, your name, and signature, must be on the voter rolls

to register to vote, you must show identification, or you will not be allowed to vote

if your signature does not match the signature in the official registration, then your vote will be tossed out

it is nearly impossible for someone to vote who is not registered, and if they do vote anyway then their vote can be tossed out

so stop worrying and remember that this is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, and not the land of whimpy whiney crybabies


Of course, they will also be the first ones screaming disenfranchisement when a minority or poor person can't even find their own voting precinct.

Democratic voter fraud is typical. JFK won the presidency based on obvious Cook County voter fraud.

Democrats typically use propaganda to maintain the slave/owner minority dependency paradigm that they began when the Democrats supported over forms of slavery.

Today Democrats support racial entitlements, poverty and substandard minority education increasing minority susceptibility to propaganda creating a covert form of slavery and owner/slave dependency.

Obviously, on Maslow's personal hierarchy of needs Voting is not very high while the services Welfare provides such as housing, food, clothing are very high.

Requiring people to be properly identified before receiving welfare BUT not requiring people to be properly identified before being able to vote should be an indicator to what is important to Democrats.

Getting votes, legal or illegal, being most important and support of impoverished people being less important.

The Democrats work on a "reverse hierarchy of needs" where their power base is the most important thing to them and taking care of people is of a much lower priority.

PS: The ridiculous statements by people who claim that You must be on rolls to vote and you must identify are obviously false and uneducated to anyone who has even reviewed voter legislation of various states and counties.

The Democrat's "Jim Crow" voter laws, which were primarily used in the North, created an impediment to voting. Blacks were denied ID and were not listed on voting roles.

Republicans spearheaded Federal legislation that allowed people who believed they had the right to vote to cast a Challenge Ballot and then that ballot set aside to be counted. The only way that ballot could not be counted is if someone can provide a specific and documented challenge to the ballot.

I suggest that the less educated among the answers review the Jim Crow laws, particularly in the cities of New York and Chicago where they were commonly used to suppress voters.

No. All states require identification to vote--and always have. There is no problem with voter fraud--and the people making so called "claims" to the contrary have yet to produce one bit of evidence to support them.

The voter ID laws that have been passed--and thrown out by the courts--were thrown out becasue they were blatent efforts to prevent minorities and por people from voting. Why? Because the GOP knows it can't win a fair election.

And you are wrong--in each case, there were a large number of people who were unable to vote because of these RACIST laws.

dems are well known for their attempts to "stack the deck"

The Dead Vote Democrat

In my state, you have to provide a picture ID. It must be up to the states as to what is necessary to be able to vote.

Democrats seeking illegal votes? What a concept. I believe the attempt by a democrat governor from NY to furnish illegal immigrants with drivers licenses that would automatically register them to vote was the latest tactic of the left. If one must show ID when purchasing tobacco or alcohol, why not show it when they vote? It just serves to establish eligibility. It's ironic that voter fraud and accusations of voter fraud usually come from the left. The former occurs when they want to win an election, the latter happens when they've lost that election.

Nothing new here. Voter fraud was used to elect Johnson to the white house in the sixties by having thousands of dead people vote for him. They can't do it honest, and when caught in Florida, they became more shrill than ever.

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