Thursday, April 16, 2009

Parents, if your children were good and obedient, would you punish them with a slap on the wrist?

Then why is there a call for higher gas taxes on the public when the public starts driving less to save money or to help the environment? The one good thing in this rotten economy is the fact that gas prices are more reasonable, yet some groups and members of Congress want to jack up the price of gas via a higher gas tax!! People are hurting financially, yet they want you to hurt even more!!!!

So, is slapping down people who are only trying to do the right thing or trying to help the environment going to be the norm from now on???

thats always been the way of the leaders of the democrats...they have to have our money so they can enjoy their hobbies...the democrat leaders are like the spoiled rotten children of the elitist...we, the general population are no more than an ant farm to them...they like to see how we react when they put things in our way...our pain and suffering is no more than entertainment to them...

always nosnod

If driving less was good and obedient then that would make sense. BUT I see driving less as getting there, like my kid getting in a fight with a douchebag instead of a nice person. He's still getting into fights and that's not good.

In order to provoke the public to stop driving even more why not raise gas taxes? It will do exactly what they are aiming to do and eventually the kids will learn to stop fighting each other completely.

Greed. Greed by the Liberal government to cover their azzes, because they took money from the American taxpayer when they accepted money from the banks of Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac. That's kind of like punishing the innocent child, while knowing full well the other evil child committed the act, isn't it?

Democrats AND Obama getting Money contributions from Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac:

and, Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis:

You've got a point but, what really needs to be addressed is that the way we fund roads is via a gas tax. People are driving less and generating less revenue for the government. That is why they want to increase the tax to make up the money lost by decreased gas consumption. What they should do is find different ways to fund road construction and maintenance. Gas consumption is going to go down over time no matter the price of oil due to new technology so the problem will have to be addressed now or later.

Slap on the wrists? I'd beat them with a cane to keep them in line.

Hey I'm not trying to be rude here, but I want to point something out not many folks seem to realize. We have to understand its not our money anymore, it is their money. They print it at will and our Gov buys it at face value. We pay the interest on that debt with income taxes. There is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve. It is a private bank owned and operated by mega rich private bankers. FDR saw to that in The New Deal. As long as they are in control of the currency in the US the economy(and now world) will continue to go through these cycles each one getting exponentially worse. What they are seeking to establish optimally is a world wide currency, but they will settle for an even value across the board, which would basically be the same thing. Universal electronic banking is the ultimate goal.

So to answer your question, yes they know what they are doing and they do not give a crap what we think about it.

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