Friday, April 17, 2009

Are Iraqis better off now than they were 5 years ago?

Sixty-five percent of Iraqis have no access to piped drinking water and nearly 75 percent have no access to a good sewage system.

You know, Iraqis had it bad under Saddam. They lived under an oppressive regime where their freedoms curtailed.

But now, Iraqis don't even have basic infrastructure and security, they cannot even leave their homes without fear of being shot. A lot of them have said that they were better off under Saddam.

And please, people don't say Iraqis did not have water and electricity under Saddam, that is simply not true, the infrastructure of Iraqi cities before the invasion was close if not up to western standards.

Some are better off.

Your tax dollars at work!

Kick another door down for Christ!

Yes and No.

Yes, they have a democratic system of government and all, but wasn't the REAL reason of invading Iraq to find Osama Bin Laden because he allegedly ordered the 9/11 attacks?

THEN that suddenly turned into: We have to find Sadam Hussein - Which we DID!

Yet - We're STILL there! Our President's reasons for being there have changed so much no one really knows why US Troops are still there anymore. They shouldn't have been there at all, especially this long. Bush Sr. invaded Iraq during his administration, and my feeling is that Bush Jr. just wanted to finish what his father couldn't. Open your eyes people and use your common sense.

I would think you would need to ask an Iraqi and get their take. Remember their standards of living and ours are not the same. Maybe they did not have piped drinking water or a good sewage sys to begin with.

why not get it from the people themselves....


Yes. They are free to choose their direction and vote their conscience, haven't had that right to self government for a long time. John Adams, Jefferson, Washington, etc all had a lot more to lose for freedom and they were willing to do it, so yes, the Iraqi's are better off.

Well they were pretty bad 5 years ago. While I think overall it has improved only slightly, there have been improvements for many Iraqis.

Maybe with a little support we could help them rebuild. I would imagine that it takes time when terrorists--and that includes Iran, are constantly blowing things up. How about a little support and stop your whining already?

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