It was ridiculous enough when they forced public schools to incorporate the evil of multiculturalism, but private and parochial schools have been exempt from this mandatory foolishness.
I ask you, leftists: Is it not enough that you attacked and ruined our public schools, must you now ruin our parochial ones as well?
Since it is a private school, I have to side with the school even though I believe "english only" rules and laws are pretty ignorant. Since they go to this "private" school, they can choose to send their kids elsewhere if they don't like it. The bad PR itself will be very bad for the school anyway. The only valid argument they could have is if free speech rights are violated, but since it is a private institution, that will probably not be an issue.
The school and church is doing itself a disservice to insist on english only laws since the future growth of the Catholic Church in the USA is heavily dependent on spanish speaking immigrants and their children. I live in Texas and even Protestant denominations have services in spanish.
Question for you: If a private business decided to put "spanish" only laws on its employess since most of the clients spoke spanish, would you be ok with it? If not, then why? If not, you then reek of hypocrisy and just admit that your bias isn't toward freedom, but of racism.
It's a private school funded with private money, they can teach as they see fit. There have been Latin only Catholic schools. There still exist French only Catholic school in the US that cater to ethnic Canuck immigrants. As long as they are not supported with tax dollars they can have an English only rule. The parents are not compelled to send their children to that school. They can pick another private school or even send their kids to a public school.
From reading the article I would say the parents are putting a huge amount of distress and emotional turmoil on their own children. The article states that the children are nervous, worried, and cry at night. Not about the English only rule but about having to testify in court.
The suit is justified. A Catholic school can legitimately restrict activities that are contrary to it's religious teachings. Speaking a foreign language is not a violation of church doctrine. The policy is thus an abridgement of free speech.
BTW--the only people who have a problem with multiculturalism fall into one or both of two categories:
a) they are bigots who want to deny access to equal education and jobs to people they hate
b) they are inferior mentally and morally and can't compete--so they want to exclude anyone they can attach a derogatory label to to eliminate competition.
Its they--not the multiculturalism--that is ruining our public schools.
A Catholic school is a private organization. No one is forcing these parents to spend a LOT of $$$ to send their kids there. If they don't like it, they are perfectly within their rights to remove the children from school and send them to a school which caters to their ideals.
This lawsuit is as stupid as walking into an Italian restaurant and filing a lawsuit to force them to start serving Chinese food. If I were the judge, I would throw them out on their ear.
I have to wonder if they are sending their kids to catholic school because they are illegal and not eligible to send them to public school?
Four words: No child left behind.
You blame leftists while those on the right and left put their nose where it doesn't belong. The right has lowered the bar on education, while the left has change the way things can and cannot be done. For example (left example), in junior high football, we used to kneel at the endzone before the game and pray - you won't see that anymore. Another example (right example) - I took pre-Algebra in 5th grade. You don't see that much anymore.
When I went to parochial school in N.Y.C." AQUINAS ROCKS" I learned three languages Latin,French and English. Parochial schools demand much more from their students they must pass the regents and graduate with an academic diploma no commercial nonsense. If you can't make the grade goodbye! McCain08'
If you want to make it anywhere in the world, you need to take a foreign language. Get over it. This has been a practice within colleges for many years. It's called education.
Ah, well like it or not. Spanish is America's second language. Speak to all of your politicians about that.
How easy it seems to put the blame of the failure of our public school system onto the liberal faction. This carries very little truth to it.
If the Catholic schools have a problem then they are capable of handling it however they see fit.
I've been involved in the public school system for 15 years. You don't know what you are talking about. Sorry.
Don't expect President Bush to say anything condemning it. Bush is all for it. Hispanics are part of his base and he doesn't want to offend them.
Can't they hire a Spanish speaking teacher to teach the Spanish speaking students? No need to make the whole school learn Spanish. I think this is outrageous, and I suspect this is the tip of the iceberg.
They won't be happy until every single person behaves the way THEY think is best.
This is what happens when you let the government get too much control. They will try to take over every single aspect of your life.
Vote conservative! Get the government out of your life. Nothing is as safe as a bird in a cage. However, is that the life you want to have?
The Catholics will win this baby, you watch and see. This is one that the right wing will fight to the death and well they should. Where is the ACLU, they are the ones always saying Church and State should be seperate,,, where is the seperation now.
Who knew there were conservative catholic "leftists." Yes, liberals to blame for all your problems. O' how thou suffers!
Their goals like the Commies are to control every part of our lives. What makes me laugh is they all claim to have "Free thinking minds" but they let their so called leaders control them.
Another non issue clogging up the Federal court.
This has nothing to do with any so called leftists. This is just an example of another whining conservative (you) who does no more than *****, bellyache and complain.
Isn't this a private school? Then leave and go somewhere else.
Damn this public education you moan about sure didn't educate you.
But the rest of the nation is doing alright.
Public schools are doing fine too, only the moronic cannot see that our education system has allowed the great technology boon to grow this nation. This economy is fueled by the graduates of both public and private schools. Instead you wanna whine some more. Give it up. Maybe you should send your kids to an Islamic school where they can get real conservative indoctrination.
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