By Ross Balano, Midwest Voices Columnist 2008
Further evidence of mainstream media bias in favor of Barack Obama surfaced today with news that The New York Times has rejected an editorial written by John McCain. This comes just one week after The Times printed one from Obama.
So, The Times reveals itself (as if there were any doubt) to be completely in the tank for Obama with the big three television networks.
What's more - most people aren't even surprised by it - just outraged. We've learned to expect nothing more from the media than their complete bias toward Obama.
Why don't political action groups challenge the media for their complete bias coverage? Its truly disgusting.
The LIEberal media is the one thing Obama has going for him. He's losing this election due to his flip flopping, lies and racist attitude. Now the LIEberal media is trying to get his butt shot off in the ME (one time I can't blame them) and people are too dumb to see it, they'd rather blame McCain or Bush or anyone but the people who is doing it.
The mainstream media is SO irresponsible with their one-sided reporting.
They are DEEP, DEEP in the tank.
That SNL skit couple of months back about their obvious bias was funny, but now it is no longer funny because it is indeed true.
I have never seen the media promote a candidate in an election as much as they are promoting Obama now.
What do you expect? It's an election season, and Obama is popular.
They are laying on the bottom of the tank. They ought to be embarrassed at how blatant it is.
As deep as your question. God forbid you research the facts before posting your rant.
Golly gosh! Let's see. Right wing radio is on 24/7 creaming Obama and anyone else that even suggests that the United States government stops kissing the anatomy of the trans-national corporations, the uberrich, the oil and coal mafias and the Jesus freak right. In fact, these same propaganda artists are totally gleeful behind the news that 'newspapers' are losing wonder....a paper everywhere beyond the big cities cost $.75 to a dollar...for what? One editorial in favor of Obama? But wait! There's more! The three networks take a beating as well. Let's check it out. The three networks have a half hour of 'news' every night, but if you don't count the commercials, the fluff, the lead ins, the lead outs and sign offs the 'news' part is no more than seventeen minutes, and little of that is about 'Obama' exclusively....guess what...some of it is about McCain! Meanwhile FOX network manages to get in all kinds of good 'news' that's totally 'fair and balanced' in favor of the Bush Junta and old man McCain. Right wing radio 24/7 AND Fox AND the NRA AND the TV Christian right....shazam....that's the 'mainstream media', bro, not the NY Times or the 'three networks! Dude, the American wage-earner is getting a major swirly, we have two wars going with no natural stopping place, the social and physical infrastructure of the US is falling apart, the GOP can't give up on its mad love affair with 'drilling', tax cuts for the rich and bigger and better wars. It's insane, and if the the tattered remnants of the responsible media favor Obama it's because non-dittoheads see the danger of a fascisti America where the American wage earner is no more than a sheep to be sheared. No kiddin'!
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