"And when we tell you we're going to change Washington, and stop leaving our country's problems for some unluckier generation to fix, you can count on it."
"We were elected to change Washington, and we let Washington change us."
"We're going to change that."
"That's going to change on my watch."
"In America, we change things that need to be changed."
"We need to change the way government does almost everything."
"We have to catch up to history, and we have to change the way we do business in Washington."
What I want to know is why is he going to change things now when he's been in Washington for 26 years.
What does change mean?
I will leave it up to Senator McCain to explain to the American people whether his policies and positions represent long-held convictions or Washington calculations, but the one thing they don't represent is change.
Change is a tax code that rewards work instead of wealth by cutting taxes for middle-class families, and senior citizens, and struggling homeowners; a tax code that rewards businesses that create good jobs here in America instead of the corporations that ship them overseas. That's what change is.
Change is a health care plan that guarantees insurance to every American who wants; that brings down premiums for every family who needs it; that stops insurance companies from discriminating and denying coverage to those who need it most.
Change is an energy policy that doesn't rely on buddying up to the Saudi Royal Family and then begging them for oil - an energy policy that puts a price on pollution and makes the oil companies invest their record profits in clean, renewable sources of energy that will create five million new jobs and leave our children a safer planet. That's what change is.
Change is giving every child a world-class education by recruiting an army of new teachers with better pay and more support; by promising four years of tuition to any American willing to serve their community and their country; by realizing that the best education starts with parents who turn off the TV, and take away the video games, and read to our children once in awhile.
Change is ending a war that we never should've started and finishing a war against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan that we never should've ignored. Change is facing the threats of the twenty-first century not with bluster, or fear-mongering, or tough talk, but with tough diplomacy, and strong alliances, and confidence in the ideals that have made this nation the last, best hope of Earth. That is the legacy of Roosevelt, and Truman, and Kennedy.
That is what change is.
That is the choice in this election.
John said everyone in Washington was at fault, including himself...
He hasn't been this close to being President before, to get his Ideas across...
However he has always been a reformer....
Sarah's whole political career has been based on ending corruption, eliminating waste, and reform....
McCain - Feingold
McCain - Lieberman
I believe he has a bill with Ted Kennedy. He has reached across the aisle to get bills past, rather than just vote "Present"
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