Friday, April 17, 2009

Fascism running rampant in areas... Have you seen this? Ron Paul supporters are potential domestic terrorists?

"The Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement" mentions such red flags as political bumper stickers for third-party candidates, such as U.S. Rep. Ron Paul"

Sooo.... my "Don't blame me, I voted Ron Paul" bumper sticker raises a red flag with police now?

Someone should tell these ignoramuses that an organized militia is encouraged by our constitution and just because a militia is formed doesn't mean they intend to inflict terrorist activities.

That's as stupid as placing liability on Anheuser-Busch for a DUI victim.

The report was issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center. This is happening only in Missouri, and also includes anyone displaying Bob Barr, Libertarians,Chuck Baldwin, inverted American flags (meaning only that the Country is in distress), Alex Jones, and more nonsense. You can see the entire list and the report, here's the link;

Interesting. I didn't support Ron Paul, I'd never sign an oath not to resort to violent means so I'm not a libertarian, nor am I any of the other things the Missouri police might be on the lookout for, but I would gladly join a militia if I thought it had the potential of ending the none sense of Obama and the Congress.

I've been called a terrorist all my life. I was born a Rebel, waving the flag of freedom from tyranny, and the blood of Thomas Jefferson and Daniel Boone coursing through my veins. I have also been told that I may be related to G.Washington also, as well as 'Stonewall' Jackson.

I know I have been on the watch list for some time, because as soon as O baa ma was elected I started flying my flag upside down!

AMERICA is not the government, AMERICA is the PEOPLE!


That is not surprising, many of us Paul supporters are sick of government. Anyone questioning the current administration will likely end up on some sort of list of deviants.

I guess I have may have been labeled as a potential terrorist, although I just complain on my keyboard.

I have one on my car too!!!! :)

Yes... the way our government is going, anyone that says anything negative about the government is a terrorist.

Funny.... Jefferson spoke very freely of overthrowing the government when it no longer worked for the people.

No wonder they are dumbing down the American people. They don't want us to know our history.

unbelievable. not surprising that anyone who criticizes the gov gets targeted. Ron Paul supporters hated Bush too by the way. and when the gov can call you a terrorist legally, all of your rights are denied.

this is scary stuff

Ron Paul wasnt a third party candidate, he was one of the Republicans running for president in the Republican primary. Article is crap right from the first sentence.

I didn't know I was a terrorist...

Isn't it great how our "enlightened" and "democratic" government falsely claims that opposition parties are "terrorist" organizations?

It's getting close to "ENDGAM3".

That's just sickening. WTF has our country turned in to?

I thought the Liberterian Party was supposed to be all cool and what not--combining the best attributes of the left and the right, and expunging any unnecessary vices that would hamper their ability to put forward initiatives that would help the country if they were to be put in power. Obviously, like the two major parties, there are the ideals, and there is what they actually do

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