Thursday, April 16, 2009

McCain slashes Obama's lead from 7pts to 2pts in just 4 days of early voting - what does this mean?

Thanks Justin for this post. It's amazing how the libs don't consider small towns important. Thank God we are not all from New York City! What a great JOY it will be for me if Obama loses-I was a third party voter in the primaries- I plan to make my vote count in the actual election.

Look a little deeper into the Gallup data.

they give Obama a 2 pt lead under the Likely Voter (Traditional) category, yes.

But there are three categories. The Registered voter category reflects the 7 pt lead we see in other polls.

And not that the national popular polls matter much anyway.

The presidency is decided by Electoral Votes. 51 statewide contests which are mostly winner take all.

Obama has a much easier job if you look at that. He's leading in most "Tossup" states and McCain needs to win all of them.

Obama is closer to 270 than McCain.


It means that despite the liberal media's attempts to make the public believe that Obama was going to win, the fact is that America is not so easily charmed by a smiling socialist with a questionable background, and the truth cannot be hidden by selective polling results as the votes don't lie! McCain is our next President. Thank God.

Perhaps you sohuld choose a better place to get your poll results than the editorial page of the KC star.

"Here is the Source that the article writer had:"

Yes and he failed to mention that the poll has a margin of error of 2%. It's statistical noise. See you on election day. I love that McCain is wasting these last precious campaign days in PA. HE DOESN'T HAVE A PRAYER HERE.

It means that people are finally seeing Obama for the socialist that he is.

Thanks Joe The Plumber!!!! You got Obama to say something that for years the Mainstream Obama Mania media couldn't!

Nothing. Your news source is in Kansas... what did you expect?

Wait for the city votes. 80 percent of NYC (over 8 mill. people) will vote for Obama next Tuesday. We all have work off, too.


If true it means that, as expected, it's going to be a lot closer than many people think.


Polls have essentially no meaning.

It means that maybe, just maybe, people are finally waking up. GOD, I hope so!

it means that voters have came back from the dark side ( thank god ) and might not elect obama

It mean McCain is going to win!!!

repub spins.....dont believe it

it means that ACORN needs to work HARDER!

means there are more ignorant and racist Americans there had been assumed

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