The "socialist" label that Sen. John McCain and his GOP presidential running mate Sarah Palin are trying to attach to Sen. Barack Obama actually has long and very ugly historical roots.
So what is a Socialist? The dictionary states it is one who practices or promotes socialism.
What is socialism?
Encyclopedia: Socialism Source:Wikipedia
Socialism refers to a broad array of ideologies and political movements with the goal of a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community.
Does Obama not go around stating that he plans on taxing the rich and re-distrubuting the wealth among the community?
Haw can anyone say he is nothing but a socialst?
Also, I know the article is trying to state that by calling him that it brings up racial tones of when some early black leaders were called socialists. Two things.... one... it isn't 60 years ago anymore. two... when I think of socialists, I think of white guys like Stalin and the like. Also, the two black gentlemen he mentions in the article did actually end up moving to communist Russia as they agreed with those principles more.
Is the Obama supporters really reaching to try and inject racism into the process?
Your thoughts?
Crying racist is just a dull-minded argument used by dull-minded Obama supporters when challenged with facts.
Absolutely not.
The Democrappers use race to try and silence anybody opposed to the Socialist Obama.
NOTE: I received an E-mail from Adam B. (Top Contributer in this category) where he told me he is a proud socialist and he's voting for Obama. If you agree with Adam B, move out of our country to a socialist country. Try Russia, I hear the government takes care of their citizens really well.
I am sorry to inform you but we all know that Osama Obama is the CHOSEN ONE and he is with out fault. The fact that Rivers will part and he will walk on water, then change it into manna He could change the definition of being a Socialist with just a snap of his finger. Of course Fidel and Hugo would no longer be Socialist either.
No.... Nor is it racist to question his connection to William Ayers, Rev Wright, or Rezco... What's amazing is the simple fact is that we "as a society" don't really know who Obama is.... The liberal media has given a pass to him on everything....
No, I don't think ideology has anything to do with race. To label him a socialist is an accurate description of what he professes and has nothing to do with his race.
Obviously not! For that is what he is, in his mind and Actions! Obama in nothing more the flatterer, skilled in lieing to the USA people I am not Desived or under his spell or trance, Wake Up America!!!
Everything Obama states or writes shows strong socialist views. His supporters try and deflect that by accusing people that say it of racism. So yes they are injecting it into the process.
Hell no. Socialism has nothing to do with race. People who say you are racist for calling him a socialist just don't have a valid argument against it.
socialists come in all colours and creeds.
racists come in all colours and creeds.
by that logic, all socialist are racists and all racists are socialists.
makes no sense.
He is a Socialist and worse. Racist? no but what of the 98 percent of all blacks in this country voting for Obama? It seems they are racist for not even considering McCain.
Its not racist to clarify and classify someones political views.
The Q is, how did the democrat party become the socialist party???
Apparently saying anything or disagreeing with him is considered racist (which is really a bunch of crap). Taking your hard earned money and giving it to someone else who is content to be oppressed is just not how America became great.
Socialism has nothing to do with race
Some of the more Famous socialists were white and Asian
Obama has recited Karl Marx mantra
YOu cant get any more socialist than that
On yeah Karl was white too
Fact is calling him a socialist is accurate.
NO, if it walks a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
no, only stating the facts. obama is a socialist
It's racist to question Obama about anything or anyone ---- period.
No, socialism and marxism is not racist.
doesn't matter to me, i've always said (since I understood the views) that I'm 40% socialist and 60% capitalist.
Of course it isn't, but you'd be correct in calling the one who came up with this an idiot.
Put away the race card. Libs have cried wolf too many times. It's simply the truth.
No. Its just silly.
No. Neither is calling him an empty suit moron.
NO,calling him skinny is RRRRRRacist. LOL
When you say "socialist', do you mean libertarian socialism, democratic socialism, Socialist Anarchism, Libertarian Marxism, market socialism? Maybe Luxemburgist? You can't make a broad, sweeping generalization without knowing your terminology. Take some poli-sci classes and you'll have a better understanding. Most people don't even Libertarian socialism even exists.
No. Neither is it to call John McCain a Corporate Socialist because he wants to give tax payer dollar to large wealthy corporations
Yes it is IF you are a Republican/Racist.
No - I'm a socialist and I'm white.
No, our President Bush is a socialist and he is white!
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