Friday, April 17, 2009

What do Republicans think of Todd Palin refusal to obey subpoena from GOP Alaska legislature's investigator?

While I disagree with the Bush administration refusal to obey subpoenas, they at least have the fig leaf of executive privilege and national security on some issues.

Of course Republicans didn't care about any of that when Bill Clinton was being sued for sexual harassment and they went as far as trying to get a photo of his penis to see if it was crooked as Paula Jones claimed.

What exactly is the legal basis for Todd Palin refusing to cooperate with an investigator working for the Republican legislature of Alaska?

He can't claim executive privilege since he isn't even an elected official.

Do Republicans only believe in the rule of law when in jams up Democrats, or do they want all politicians to play by the same rules?

I would re-state the question as to "What do prospective voters thinK of Todd Palins refusal to testify"...I think the dog sled musher is just another reflection of his abuse of power wife who thinks she is beyond the law.....I vote NO for MCcAIN/PAIN., NO MORE OF THE SAME.

I don't know why they want to break the law but one thing is clear: Todd Palin knows something about this whole financial crisis thing I really think he is the key to preventing global collapse of the markets

Don't worry, the Republicans on here will try and turn it around and say it was all for the good and he has never done anything wrong...just like every other Republican.

Republicans are above the law. Ask Cheney why.

It's his right, this is just a way to take away from the real issues which is picking the best person to run our country. Not sticking our nose in simple minded things.

I don't think family members can be compelled to testify...

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