Friday, April 17, 2009

Can learning self defense be useful and effective enough for most women?

Or is it better to run away as fast as you can?

I do freeze up frequently when confronted with surprise situations.

My boyfriend says all girls are wimps and couldn't possibly win against a more powerful male attacker.

Well, I just started my self defense class in high school and our instructor thought very little of my boyfriend's advice when told of it.

To psychologically counteract the "freeze effect" common to many women in surprise situations, she gave us 2 web sites of current events where females were successful in dealing with their assailants:

Your thoughts?

Your advice?

Men outdo women an anything. Yes i think its necessary/useful for them to know self defense.

It is good "Grasshopper." It never hurts to know a little self defense. I know some women that I use for body guards, and I carry a piece. Have a nice day.

Self defense class for women are generally taught by most martial arts studios, and they don't teach how to defend against those tricks to people with less than a blue belt, so the martial arts students are people they trust to not abuse people.

They can be very effective, because even though people may freeze for a second or two, they still have time to react to someone that has grabbed them. They will show you how to defend/escape from even being knocked on the ground, and it isn't all just "kick him in the groin", but other things that are painful.

All things are to help you escape, not win. You will be shown how to break free, and possible limit the mobility of your attacker, so you have a chance to run to safety. If you stick around to hurt your attacker more, you will probably end up getting hurt worse, or even killed.

i think it would be i would want to stand up for my self and kick a guys but if i ever needed to instead of running away

Every woman should take self defense classes. Never know when you might need it.

Sometimes in situations like those, you can't think straight and even if you learned self-defense, you might not use it bc of that sudden expectant surprise. It depends on the individual. Or being the situation, you won't know how to do it.

your boyfriend is mean! i think it is great, self defense teaches you about how to use the assailants power against them so it doesnt matter if you are small or not.

but don't get too big headed, still try and keep safe, like don't hang round on your own late at night or think you are invincible!

yea its almost needed in today's society(where women are still lokked at as objects). Morals are at an extreme low slo they have kknow problem raping a women best learn how to defend yourself

You have to get used to situations where you are being attacked. Otherwise, the freeze effect will still be there. Self defense is only as good as your ability to use it without hesitation.

Against a heavier, stronger man you are definitely at a disadvantage. I train in Brazilian jiu jitsu and most of the girls in our academy have trouble with bigger guys... but they certainly aren't pushovers.

use pepperspray

Women can do anything that women can do and we can do it while wearing heels. Women are also important. I am glad that you are learning self defence, this would help you if someone would ever attack you (which I hope not). Learning self defence is also a good workout. Your friend is a wimp for calling you a wimp. Go and tell him that women can do anything! Keep up the great work!

I personally think that self defense for women is great, mostly because guys think they may do whatever they please with women who cant defend themselves. Learning a quick one-two combo or something different for certain situations would be a good thing to learn.

Many women do not have the confidence to fight back. This is why so many women enter self-defense classes AFTER they've been assaulted.

There are some very informative short self-defense classes offered by local police departments (you would have to call or look up your local p.d. to know if they offer one). If your local pd doesn't offer one you can ask for referrals to any that they feel are reputable and offer valuable information.

I took one through my local pd. It lasted only 4 hours out of my day and cost $25.00. It was, by far, the most valuable class I've taken because they taught life saving information based on local statistical data. Things like what you would do if someone came up behind you and put you in a headlock... there is no time to get your mace out or to react in that case.. so you would take your foot, slam it down as hard as you can on the top arch of the attackers foot (so they would be in pain and let go-hopefully), after you slam their foot, you drop your entire body weight to the ground and fling your arms and legs like a child having a tantrum (they will not be able to maintain a hold on you if you do this), then when you make it to the ground, you keep kicking yourself away until you are able to get up and run away. This is only one example of life saving information- there is a bucket load.

I encourage you to gain self-defense training ... then when your bo challenges you again - you can show him what a whimp you really are! ;)





Stay aware of people in your surroundings

1. Stay aware of people in your surroundings. Not surprisingly, criminals exhibit predatory behavior in preparing to attack. They will try to pick a casual location to look for their prey. They will look at their intended victim far more and for longer periods of time than social norms. They will move when the prey moves. They will stop and look around for witnesses. They will often make several passes by the prey in a sort of 'dry run', seeing if the victim will react or to get a sense of how the attack might work. Pay attention! Who is looking at you? Has the same person or car passed by you twice? Does someone appear to be moving with you?

2. Stay with people, go to people. Do not ever let yourself be taken somewhere. Cops call it the "secondary crime scene" and most of the time it will be where your worst nightmare resides. If you are approached in a public place do not get in a vehicle with him. Do not walk around the building to the alley -- STAY where others can see you. His worst fear is the fear of getting caught, so you should drop to the ground if you need to in order to prevent him from carrying you away. On the other hand, if you are in your house or another location that is private, you need to GO to people. His worst fear is the fear of getting caught -- run out the door to a neighbor’s. Crawl out a window onto the roof. Drive your car up to a diner or convenience store. Go where there are lights and others.

3. Keep a barrier between you and the bad guy. Use a barrier to block him or use distance to gain time. Keep your doors locked. Stay in your car. Force him to get through a barrier before he can get to you. Use a barrier of pepper spray. The more difficult you make it, the more time it takes him and that means he might be discovered.

4. Attract attention. The first thing he will say to you is "don't scream or I'll kill you". He's telling you exactly what will ruin his plan. Go ahead, ruin his plan -- create a disturbance, scream, throw things, blow the horn. If you think you should yell "fire" go right ahead. You can't count on others coming to your aid, but you want to appeal to his fear of getting caught and make him think that someone could hear you and be coming.

5. Control his hips and his hands. This might sound strange if you've not gone through the Rape Escape course, but the concept works. Control his hips to prevent penetration. If you can get your feet on his hips you can control the distance between the two of you. His hands are the weapons he will use against you. He will hit you, slap you, stab you or shoot you, but he has to use his hands to do the damage.

6. Use your strongest weapons against his weakest targets. His weakest targets are those that are most valuable, yet ironically, cannot be entirely strengthened. His eyes, throat, groin and knees are your primary targets. Your secondary targets are his face and his abdomen. Strong weapons that you can employ are your kicks using the bottom of your feet, your elbows, hammerfists and palm heel strikes.


it is good usually women are getting raped and assaulted these days. I'd reccommend Tae-kwon-do

Running is best for women, but sometimes that isn't an immediate option, so yes, self defence when taught well, is extremely helpful.


I read someone said

"But when both have equal skills, then the bigger and stronger one will win."

Ignore that. Fighting is one of the things were it truely is that "size doesn't matter, it's how you use it that counts".

A smaller person may seem to have a disadvantage, but only when they allow the larger person to use their size to their advantage. Smaller people can cause lots more damage from a shorter range than a bigger person, it's in a bigger persons advantage to keep you at arms length until you're too weak to resist, if you get close in, you can cause damage while their attacks will be weaker.

Reason I know this for fact is, I'm a relatively short guy, and I've beaten guys who were giants in Boxing, Kickboxing, Aikido and Kendo, just to name a few.

if u freeze up it will be worse, just hit vital spots r in the nuts really hard ahaha, and run away as fast as you can, scream for help.

Well running would be the best option I think because men usually outpower women physically. But learning self-defense is still a good idea so that you know how to get free when a man grabs you by the arm or wherever.

runaway or get mase ( i dont know how to spell)

i think its great i really should take one of those classes. In this world women must always be prepared to defend themselves

I think its good to know because sometimes when they try to run the man will grab them so you need a way to release yourself from their hold.

Self defense is an amazing tool to learn. Besides learning how to defend yourself, it can be considered an art, like yoga. If you'd like to learn more you may visit :-)

when you have the surprise factor, then it is possible for a woman to overpower a larger man. And when she is very good to expert in martial arts, it is possible for her to defeat a larger and stronger man. But when both have equal skills, then the bigger and stronger one will win.

BTW: something I learned in a self defense class. Don't know if I'd ever have the nerve to use it. But if you bite off your attacker's bottom lip, it will send him into shock and allow you to get away. you'd have to be in close quarters at this point and it is a last resort attack.

with any attack the main thing is that you get out alive. If getting out alive means surrendering, then that is what you do. It's important that you remain as calm as possible and seek every oppurtunity to escape. Always be aware of your surroundings and know that each situation is different. There is no one right answer to defending yourself in an attack.

Your boyfriend is a punk and very stereotypical if he thinks women aren't capable of self defense. I have taken self defense classes and the women that know what they're doing kick as$. I you train and practice enough you will get over your freezing up. It wont happen right away of course but over time it will and you will know how to help others as well in case it ever happens. But personally i like the self defense class that doesn't have bull shet, meaning they dont put you in situations where you really need to defend your self. Some of the really good self defenses are judo and other grappling disciplines.

yeah its good

today some dude slapped my butt and i kicked him in the balls

it was fun :P

If a guy grabs me from behind I would head butt him and run away.

If he tries to grab me from the front I would kick him in the nuts and run away.

And if he has me in a hold where I can't get out I would just bite him anywhere as hard as possible and run away.

So, basically, I think self defense does work. If your bf is so reluctant to agree why don't you practice on him when you complete the course. My husband taught me a lot by pretending like he was the attacker.

Screw your boyfriend. That's not supportive at all. I have to say that I don't think that he sounds like someone that I would be dating after that.

Self defense is very important. You need to know what to do if someone is threatening to hurt, kill, or rape you. Despite what your boyfriend says, it is very possible for a woman to defend herself against a "more powerful" male attacker. Most times good self defense isn't about brawn, but about thinking quickly & keeping alert. If it is possible, then yes you should try to get away to safety instead of trying to initiate a fight (fights are unpredictable & you never know what the other person is capable of doing), but that's not always going to happen. You need to know what to do in a worst case scenario. Keep at the self defense course. You can do it. I also think that you need to rethink your relationship. Obviously your boyfriend thinks that you are a meek pushover. You are not. You are a fierce woman to be reckoned with, even if you are not being attacked. Stop allowing him to victimize you & perpetuate the stereotype of "helpless women" by talking down to you like that.

hey! i'm taking self defense too! i think your b/f is an @ss, btw...just my opinion!

my advice would be pepper spray (mase) and a tazer gun.


self-defense is hogwash. get a gun.

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