Friday, April 17, 2009

Why are Democrats fighting against valid ID's being shown before voting? What is your opinion?

You have to show a vilid ID card to get a cell phone activated. So why do the left fight against voters from doing the same?

Democrats and Republicans have target demographics. In general, Republicans want business people and heads of households to come out and vote, in the hopes that a pledge of small government will be appealing to those who pay the taxes to run it. In general, Democrats want poorer folks to vote, in the hopes that a pledge of helping the needy will be appealing to those who are disadvantaged.

The above being said, and if I may be permitted to continue the stereotype, there is reason to suspect that the movers and shakers in society tend to have their acts together a little bit more than the poor and disadvantaged. Thus, they will be more likely to show up at the polls with a proper ID. The Democrats' preference for accepting votes without a proper ID is likely based on the premise that voters without IDs are more likely to be Democrat-supporters than Republican-supporters. I think this reasoning is sound.

In my view, voting is a serious matter, and the notion of one-person-one-vote is too important for people to be permitted to vote without being able to identify themselves properly. One is reminded of elections where votes were purportedly cast by dead people whose names were still on the registered voter lists. This simply should not happen. Exercise your right to vote, but show up with some way of showing that you're a rightful voter.

Thanks for the question.

Not everybody can afford to buy an ID, nor does everyone have a driver license. That means if you are going to require one you are essentially instituting a "poll tax". Poll taxes are unconstitutional.

My opinion is that your voter's registration card is all you need, and you don't even need that if you vote absentee.

Unless the state is going to be providing the ID's for free to people that can't afford them, then I say it's nothing more than a poll tax, and those are unconstitutional.

Probably because most illegals won't have a valid ID, and the Democrats probably think they can gain votes from them. I'm not so sure that's correct, remember most illegals are from South America and are strong Roman Catholics, which aligns them with Republicans too. I predict that illegals are not going to vote in a majority for either party, but rather be as divided as the rest of the country is.

I didn't consider the homeless, who might also not have IDs. While voter discrimination is unconstitutional, I think voter authentication is an important step in assuring that the tallied vote is genuine and has not been tampered by voter fraud. This might sound cruel, but how informed could a homeless man without an ID be on the current political climate, and would we want that person voting? I realize that's against their constitutional rights, but still, I think I make a valid point.

They believe it violates the Constitution. I don't care about it one way or the other, I have ID, and I vote.

They pander to the poor who may not have an ID or not be bright enough to bring one.


I would say Illegals too, but the current GOP won't touch them either at least at the federal level.

Just because you have to show an ID to get a cell phone activated doesn't mean that it's right. The controversy is over the idea that homeless people, people who don't drive, etc. may have a difficult time obtaining an ID and may therefore be unable to vote. I dislike the idea of showing IDs before voting because it only furthers the idea of the surveillance state.

I think the main concern is that it could deny the poor the right to vote. A driver's license is the usual form of identification required, but why would someone too poor to afford a car have a driver's license? These people are still citizens and shouldn't be kept away from the polls just because of their financial status.

I know, it's stupid. I guess it's "racist" because not all minorities have id's.

And the SHOULD.

Im a democrat too, but some people have NO LOGIC!

They want the dead to be able to continue to vote.

Likely because they want illegal immigrants' votes!!!!

Cell phones and votes are not the same thing. It is unconstitutional. It infringes upon voting rights. A very poor person may not have a passport or driver's license, but still has the unalienable right to vote. Same with senior citizens. I know that there are ways to get state IDs, but it is a long and needless process.

Because it may be that preventing someone from voting simply because they do not possess the required form of photo-identification is in violation of the constitution which guarantees EVERY citizen the right to vote.

The question is really about "whether protecting the integrity of the voting process from fraud is of equal or greater value than making sure as many eligible voters as possible take part in the process."

In this case, the Democrats seem to be on the side of less government and less restriction. Ironic isn't it, that the Republicans who traditionally are AGAINST government restriction are all for this new law?

It's fairly obvious. The Dems want to be able to have ANYONE vote for them. So, illegal immigrants (who would most likely vote for the Democrats) would be able to vote for the Dems.

You have to pay for a cell phone. The "ID" card that the rabid right would prefer will be out of the price range of most poor people.

They are doing Republicans a favor!

They reps stand to lose so bad in '08 that they are overlooking one possible inroad to republican voter fraud.

Its happened before,too. Look at Jeb Bush blocking truckloads of dem-district votes in 2000 after a panicky phone call from George.

And he lost the popular vote anyway.

No one has objected to people showing ID's to vote. In fact, every state as had such requirements all along.

This isn't about supposed "voter fraud"--the right-wing has yet to show ANY evidence there is a problem. NONE AT ALL.

So why do they want to CHANGE the existing ID requireements. It 's very simple: in every single state where they have tried to put in their so-called "voter IDs" they've set up their system to make it as hard as possible for people who are poor, minority, or disabled to get the IDs. All groups that tend to vote Democratic, not Republican.

And that's the motive. Its not "requiring identification--that's been there. Its trying to deny the vote tho their political opponents. And that's why the courts keep throwing these so-called "voter ID laws" out. As they should.

I repeat--we have had ID requirements all along. That is NOT what this is about.

Because many homeless and people who are less fortunate do not have ID's, and are more likely to vote for democrats than republicans.

Perhaps they feel that their base isn't smart enough to handle ID's.

Note I didn't say Dems aren't smart enough, but their politicians sure treat them that way.

perhaps they want to sway elections with illegal voters. either people who can't vote in that particular precinct or maybe not even legal citizens, either way it doesn't sound good. all voters should have to show a valid id, but that will probably just keep more people from taking the time to vote.

Why are you saying such broad statements? I think it's a good idea to show some ID before voting. But I know that not everyone has an ID, even Americans eligible to vote.

Makes no sense unless you have a real national ID card. Why are Republicans fighting that?

If you have to prove that you are really you to vote then no one should be able to vote more than once.

You really don't understand this do you? You just said, you have to show a valid Id card to get a cell phone activated

this is to show the cell phone is really yours, and you did not steal it.

They want to check Id's, because some people steal, cheat, and lie. t They do this also at the polls., They mainly don't want another Florida on their hands, where the votes were all messed up. and some people will vote two or three times,, The good part is, some people who don't know how to vote, there will be somebody there, to help them,or they usually lose their vote if it not put in correctly. And everybody who votes, should vote, they have the right to have their vote counted. My son, has to carry his elderly aunt to vote, as she can no longer see well..

. Also it just to keep people honest and have a fair election. God Bless, and don't forget to vote no matter who you vote for, that's one of the last free thing we have. God Bless.

Since I was eligible to vote in my first election back in 1980 in the State of Arkansas (a Democratic State for the most part) I have always been asked to show my drivers license when I went to vote. What's the problem?????

I had to prove my identity when I registered, now my signature is on file for the poll workers to check when I go to vote. Why should I have to show an ID now? People should not be forced to get a ID if they really don't want one. I thought that Republicans were the ones who didn't want the government keeping track of everyone and interfering with their lives..

They want votes, and they see a large number of free votes from the mexican population if they do everything they can to

make it legal for mexicans to be here illegally.

Because this will allow the illegals to vote. For a group that screams about voter fraud they are going to great lengths to ensure we do not stop it.

The left wants illegal immigrants to vote for them. And illegal immigrants can't get valid id's in the country, can they?

They want illegal votes. Can it get any simpler?

Because they want dead people to come out and vote, and also those illegal immigrants whom they fight for every day.

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