Raise taxes, more and bigger government programs, no drilling in ANWR, etc. ⦠Whatâ™s new about that? Thatâ™s same, not change.
Barack Obama thinks these are the things the American people want. If thatâ™s true, then why isnâ™t Obama running away with this election?
Some would tell you itâ™s because too many of us are stupid and bitter people who cling to our guns and God. Others, including Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, suggest that race has something to do with it.
So the race card has been played again this election; nothing new about that either. Democrats do it every election cycle. But I thought Obama was supposed to transcend race.
Now again, if you arenâ™t liberal, you must be some kind of racist, right? After all, thereâ™s no other reason why anyone would not vote for Obama, correct?
So let me get this straight. With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy:
If you donâ™t want higher taxes, you might be a racist.
If you think we should drill for more domestic oil, you could be a racist.
If you believe we should secure the borders, you might be a racist.
If you believe in the right to keep and bear arms, the sanctity of life or winning the war on terror, you just might be a racist.
Heck, if you donâ™t vote for Obama, you must be a racist.
I, for one, am tired of this old routine.
Let me be very clear: The problems with Obama have nothing to do with the color of his skin. Rather, it has to do with positions, beliefs and associations and the lack of any substantial experience that would qualify him to be president.
I am tired of it as well, Obama is simply not for me and I would not care if he were purple with brown poolka dots.
He's not running away with the election because people who focus on race, color, religion, creed can not make good decisions and have poor judgment. So look in the mirror.
as a demacrat , i agree with the whole race card and higher taxes bull crap. i will not vote for some one who came out of no where and brought with him cronies like wright and aires. this dem will be backing mccain.
I'm a Racist (if it means I like to go fast).
Again, no disrespect to Jeff Foxworthy, "... if you like racing, you might be a racist"
John McChange...McChange we can believe in!
John.. uh Susie, you are right.
With a nod to Stone Cold Steve Austin, you hit the nail right on the head, son. It's like this. The Democrats and Liberals are already setting this up. It's like the mid-term elections of 2006 when the talk of malfunctioning voting machines, long lines at polling places, ect. If the Dems didn't walk away with the majority, they were readying their excuse because after all, the Republicans never win on the up and up, right(see 2000)? But, alas, the Dems won and...not one word of voter disenfranchisement anywhere. Not even from the places were allegedly Democratic pollsters were intimidating voters into voting Democrat.
Now, with Obama, the race card is slowly but surely being played. Even from Obama himself when he talks about him not looking like the other presidents on the Dollar Bill. The white liberals are trying to make other white people feel guilty about slavery by voting for Obama. Sorry, I didn't own slaves and neither did my family. In fact, half of my family ancestry weren't even here so no dice. Now there are blogs out there talking about a race war if Obama doesn't win. Nice.
Now, let's flip this around. USAToday on Friday had a poll on race and this election. I don't have the exact numbers but the gist was that when it came to whites voting for McCain or Obama, it was something like 47-42% for McCain. However, when it came to blacks, the numbers were something like 92%-4% in favor for Obama. Now I ask you, what's worse, whites not voting for Obama because he's black or blacks voting for him because he's black. But based on these numbers, it's blacks that are making this election based on race. How else do you explain only 4% of "Uncle Tom's" supporting McCain? (If you're black and conservative, you're a sell out, Uncle Tom, ect. Just ask Harry Belafonte)
Now, I'm not supporting Obama because he's a left wing big government tax, tax, tax liberal. Not that McCain doesn't have his faults but if Obama get elected, with a Democratic majority in the house and senate, I don't want nor want to pay for the programs that, according to Nancy Pelosi, no one would stop them from implementing. I'm tired of 50% of my paycheck going bye-bye every 2 weeks to pay for crap I don't want.
dayum, you mean like the train wreck interviews by Obama...oh, wait, he only has softball interviews. Trash Palin's interviews when your guy actually has an interview that doesn't include what his favorite flavor of ice cream and have him actually answer real questions. I'm getting a kick out of you libs jumping all over Palin, who's the VP candidate while your guy hasn't has a hard question thrown at him yet on any policy of his by his cronies in the mainstream media.
At the end of the day McCain is bush all over. A McCain Palin ticket would make Bush/Cheny look like girl scouts. McCain was blasted by David Letterman for lying about not coming on his show then McCain went and did an interview with Katie Couric instead trying to do damage control from palin's train wreck interview. John McCain has voted consistently against issues pertaining to vets. he is against women having equal pay as men. He has voted down minimum wage 19 times.
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