Thursday, April 16, 2009

Can you believe this illegals cost ER $37 million for illegal immigrants in 2007 2100 births 2007?

TOPEKA | With Congress on the sidelines, lawmakers in Kansas and Missouri say they have no choice but to make illegal immigration a target in 2008.

In both states, legislators are pushing tougher laws. The measures â€" being considered in neighboring states and already passed in Oklahoma â€" range from increased authority for law enforcement to tougher rules for employers.

“You’re seeing this now because this issue has hit the heartland,” said Sen. Scott Rupp, a Wentzville, Mo., Republican who said he had seen two instances of illegal immigrant labor in his home district.

In Kansas, hospitals reported $37 million in emergency room services for illegal immigrants in fiscal 2007. More than 2,100 infants were born to illegal immigrants in Kansas hospitals during that same time. A study based on 2005 statistics estimated the state had as many as 70,000 illegal immigrants â€" a population nearly the size of Lawrence.

“We are a country that’s based on immigrants, but they were legal immigrants, and they assimilated,” said Rep. Brenda Landwehr, a Wichita Republican and the sponsor of a comprehensive immigration-reform plan. “The question is, when is it good public policy to reward illegal behavior?”

I agree with all the posters so far. And I loved the line,

"When is it good public policy to reward illegal behavior?"

Somebody is finally listening...

I can only hope this will all catch on sooner than later because it seems to be more 'heated' every year and its going down a bad (And scary) path.

Will it finally come down to an uprising in the streets for American tax paying citizens to demand whats theirs back?

Yes I not only believe it but was wondering when people would notice.

Cannot afford heath care for all my family because the unions have to make up the cost of illegals getting free heath care. When will it stop, my guess is when our economy collapse. So see you on the unemployment line when they take the jobs you don't want to do. That is my favorite.

That ain't nothing. Illegals cost that much to California taxpayers every day just in health care costs... here the inevitable....

But yet I cant see a Dr. with out health insurance or a check book in my hand. The sad part is,politicians like McCain WANT to keep the illegals here (His immigration bill and the way he lied about it are proof) for the benefit of big business. The cheap labor and not having to pay health insurance for the illegals means bigger profits for big business.The attitude with them is,lets t-f the American public into keeping them here and raise their axes to pay for the illegals medical benefits and to educate their kids.

Not to mention the rising cost of auto insurance because if an illegal gets into an accident,they dont have a license let alone auto insurance.

My favorite though is,if an illegal kills some one or 30 people and runs back to mexico....If Mexico decides to extadite him back into the states to be tried for his crime,the U.S. CANNOT seek the death penalty

Ron Paul is the only candidate - to my knowledge - to support an end to "birth-right" citizenship.

End "birth-right" citizenship and a huge part of the incentive enter the US illegally is gone.

Doesn't take rocket science, folks.

I keep talking about really good fake I.D.s out there. There are millions and I know the Feds know about it. We will pay for it too..

The Pew Hispanic Center says the new number is based on U.S. Census data and their own surveys.

Steven Camarota, an immigration critic with the Center for Immigration Studies, said the Arizona figure contrasts to the national picture.

"Nationally, we think that about 5 percent of workers in the country are illegal immigrants," Camarota said.

Both anti-illegal immigration critics and immigration reform supporters consider Pew a reliable source.


And then we have this which just makes it worse.

Anchor Babies Weigh Down Economy

About every six months the population of the U.S. increases about as much as the population of Tallahassee. Who are these hundreds of thousands of new citizens? They are newborns, children of illegal aliens born in the United States - birthright citizens, "anchor babies" - not illegal aliens. This quirky legal right then allows the mother's parents and siblings to remain, and later a whole bunch of their relatives to immigrate legally. This why they are also known as "Jackpot babies." Just consider Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, the second busiest maternity ward in the U.S. In 2006, 70 percent of the women giving birth in Parkland were illegal immigrants. That added up to 11,200 babies for which Medicaid kicked in $34.5 million to deliver these babies, the feds another $9.5 million and Dallas taxpayers tossed in $31.3 million.

Very likely.

Of course, the growing cost of illegals will be swept under the carpet and problems with public services will be blamed on mismanagement etc - not the sudden increase of people wanting to use them.

You cant question immigration or you'll face the 'racist' tag. The fact is the only way anyone can really attack the travesty happening is to target illegals. If the US were honest with itself, it would be targetting all new immigrants. Comparing immigration today with immigration from hundreds of years ago doesnt work, becasue before people were coming to settle a new world. Now they are coming to take advantage of its wealth....

Yes I can believe it.

It costs the Dallas County taxpayers more than $70 million annually just to birth their babies at Parkland Hospital. One hospital--and just the maternity service line. $70 million.

Imagine the total national cost--it is staggering.

i work at a credit bureau that does the billing for the major hospital in our area. i will tell you for a fact that that it is definitely not only illegals that are costing our state lost revenue here. i turn hundreds of people over to the credit bureau everyday for not paying their medical bills and most of them are americans. by 5 years of experiance in this business i have had better results getting the hispanics to pay up ! they actually come in or call us to set up payment plans, where as we have to hound the rude americans to get 10 bucks from them !

Of course I believe it. I live in Mexifornia.

This has been a problem for the last 25 years. No one in the heartland knew or even cared. In 1994 California passed prop 187 to deny these very services to illegal aliens. The law was immediately challenged by the commies in the ACLU and the taxpayer funded racist group La raza. A liberal judge set it aside for further review and a Governor, that was later impeached, allowed it to die in arbitration. The will of millions of, then, Californians, subverted by one judge and one crooked governor.

Today, in Mexifornia, the cost of illegal aliens is about 18 billion dollars per year. The Governator is facing a 15 billion dollar budget deficit. Now instead of eliminating the 18 billion they shouldn't have to be spending and having a 3 billion dollar surplus, he is proposing closing state parks and beaches.

Welcome to the wonderful world of illegal immigration, the gift that keeps on taking.

It looks like outrageous charges for medical services have become so accepted that they are not even mentioned in a complaint like this.

WTF that is so annoying. Citizens can't even get healthcare while they are getting it?! No wonder the economy sucks and the U.S. has $9 trillion in debt.

Actually, the economy is pretty good DESPITE the healthcare situation and the war. 95.5% of our country is employed. But, yes I agree, it could get better.

As soon as we get "free healthcare for everyone"...and the employers decide that they can't pay for everyone...and then start laying people off...and unemployment rises...

Just elect Hillary -- Remember, she's the one who said "they're here anyway"

Oh sure, only when they've hit the "heartland" does anyone pay attention. Have you seen California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas? Need I say more?

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