Thursday, April 16, 2009

Was Obama aware that his aunt was living in the U.S. illegally?

The AP is the very source CNN, msnbc,ABC and many other liberal medias obtain their information from. Here is a clip from the link I provided at the bottom.

Obama was unaware of aunt’s status as illegal immigrant

The Associated Press

CHICAGO | Barack Obama said Saturday he did not know his aunt was living in the U.S. illegally and thinks that laws covering the situation should be followed.

The Associated Press found that Obama’s aunt had been instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya. The woman, Zeituni Onyango, is living in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama’s late father.

Yea right. Obama knows good and well about her and that's how he spreads his wealth. Next he'll claim he didn't know his brother lives in a cardboard shack in Kenia.

Obama, are you your brother's keeper?

Barry knew ! Come on guys Barry knew, he has been trying to keep everything hidden , Barry knows all. If Barry can tell you what color underware Palin wears, than Barry knew, .Remember this highly intellegent Barry knows everything, how could something like this ever be missed, Barry knows everything, supposedly the smartest man in the world, Barry knew, ..........Not good Barry!!! Not good Berry!!! No lies Barry ! No lies..................Barry knows all, no one person can get anything so simple past this super human................Barry! Barry! Barry Barry! Barry!.........always remember mr smartest man on earth my very clever socialist...............THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE

So, Barack says he didn't know his auntie was here illegally. Does he really take us for such mindless drones that we would actually believe him? Oh, that's right. He's looked into the faces of all the mindless drones that flock to his rallies. Of course they will believe him!! He's the Messiah, after all! He would never lie to us!

Obama is aware of alot of illegal things but doesn't care since it affects him. Acorn, Ayers, stolen pre-paid credit cards? He clearly brushes the illegal under the rug.

i have relatives that i know nothing about. most people like to think the best of their rellies, so he might not have known. i dunno, i guess you would have to ask him that.

Would you expect truth from Obama? He ditched his pastor of 20 years when it hurt his campaign, expect him to buddy up to an illegal auntie?

Vote for fraud, vote Obama!

Yes, he did.

Yes! How could you not know where your aunt lives unless you have 100,000 aunts?

This man has been on the Stump for 2 years. I'm sure he wasn't focused on his father's half sister who was in Kenya when he visited, so it is plausible that she entered this country without his knowledge. Why would he keep up with her whereabouts? Hell, I have aunts living in the same town, and I couldn't tell you what they're doing.

She's one of 10 million illegal immigrants in this country who have refused to leave. My only issue is that she's receiving public assistance. I have a problem with my tax dollars being used for illegal immigrants in this country and those who are here legally living off my money.

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