Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Censoring the word "rape" in rape trials?

Censoring the word "rape" in rape trials?

how is this fair?


It's not fair. It's a symptom of a system gone mad. It's high time we put the political correctness fanatics in lunatic asylums (not emotional care homes), where they belong.

The story you link to is no longer active, but I have seen stories similar to this one in the past.

It is almost certainly not a case of "political correctness" for the judge to grant such an order. It seems to be a case in which he feels that using the word "rape" will prejudice the jury.

It should also be noted, in case doshiealan wasn't able to read the article either, I don't believe it is a case of banning the word in all trials, just a specific trial. The defense argued that the word "rape" is not a legal term at all, and yet has enormous psychological effect on the jury.

Personally, I think the witness ought to be able to describe what she believes happened to her with the words that seem appropriate. I think that perhaps the testimony may seem less credible since she will probably be sort of grasping for other words to use. Also, it is clear that the word "sex" does not have the same implications as "rape."

It is not a case of political correctness, it is a case of a judge who made a legal decision, and perhaps a defendant who has a damn good defense attorney.

stupidest thing i've ever heard

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