Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How much would you bet that they cry out...Persecution?

A certainty. There are always "benefits" to claim Underdog status.

Even if they've got a history of attacking minorities themselves.


I would say they did it themselves so that they can turn around and blame us gay people for setting it and attacking them for their religious beliefs. God knows the truth and the Phelp's clan should get used to it since they will be feeling lots of fire when they end up in hell. And they will have no one to blame for that but themselves.

Anyone who would dis-honor a soldier killed in the line of duty should be tried on charges of treason, and shot by a firing squad. Anyone dis-honoring a living soldier returning from a combat zone should suffer the same penalty.

We have a volunteer army. Our boys do not deserve to be mistreated, dis-honored, cursed, spit on or abused in any way, shape or from. They do not have to put their life on the line for us. They could have stayed home and raised their families and lived, but, they offered their lives to help insure that you and I may have another nights sleep in a free country. They endure the hardships of military life to allow us to live in safty.

If Phelps cries foul, toss him into a truck load of rotten chicken parts. That way he gets his foul!

no doubt theyre screaming persecution when its outside their church,,,i'm with the first poster...freddy probly set it himself

great future idea for arsonists though..

Good Ol' Fred probably did it himself. He likes being in the news.

I'm just sorry they didn't finish the job.

EDIT (((Mommy)))

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