Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is it all just a VP Cram Session...?

Your thoughts on McCain/Palin camp attempting to bar the press and Palin's 29 second photo shoot with Hamid Karzai.

What do you think?


No just a photo op...they may think people are stupid enough to think that she has learned something. But no...she's just getting her picture taken.

She flunked her mid terms

(I can see Russia from my house/bridge to no where/investigation/

pregnant Daughter/abstinence only)

She's been grounded(from talking)

Since GOP nominee Sen. John McCain chose Palin as his running mate, his campaign has tried to shield her from "unscripted encounters" with the media and the public.

It underlines that she hasn't met any diplomats until the end of September," less than two months before she could be elected vice president.

Media coverage was ONLY allowed for 29 SECONDS largely because McCain was afraid of a poor performance from Palin. Doesn't this suggest McCain's lack of confidence in his VP,…whom he says "is ready for the Presidency." They are both laughable.

“Only in Republican America would a black man with a law degree from Harvard, 12 years in politics, four years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and manager of one of the most impressively flawless and forward thinking presidential campaigns ever not be ready for the presidency while a white female evangelical with 19 months in national politics and a bachelors in journalism is considered ‘ready on day one’.”

Yeah, and FDR went on TV to address the American public after the stock market crash of 1929. -- Oh wait, that was BIDEN who said that!

Here's your sign . . .

They want to control the press.

Palin could be a disaster if they let her talk

They wanted her to be "seen" and not heard. What do you expect?

I think that is just plain stupid. They even barred right-winger Wall Street Journal press...what are they thinking?

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