Thursday, April 16, 2009

What about our northern border?

"Tucked in the countryside where paved roads give way to gravel is the Smuggler’s Inn, a bed-and-breakfast on the U.S.-Canadian border.

Rooms come equipped with night-vision binoculars so guests can track the almost nightly cat-and-mouse game between Border Patrol agents and people trying to sneak into the United States. In the last three years, 105 people have been arrested in the inn’s yard. Just mowing the lawn can trip hidden sensors, prompting a flyover by Border Patrol helicopters, said Bob Boule, the inn’s operator.

“We are probably one of the safest places in the world,” Boule said. “I can get lights and sirens in my yard in three minutes.”

But if the area immediately surrounding the inn and the border crossing at Blaine is one of the more secure along the U.S.-Canadian border, the other 4,000 or so miles are a security nightmare.

As a Canadian resident I would favour it (aside from the animal wildlife problems). I'd happily keep our terror cells if you would keep your gun runners.

So after you build walls between the US and Mexico and then between the US and Canada, what are you going to do about those coastlines, holy moly the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico and the Great Lakes, and there is Alaska and Hawaii to consider. The Great Wall of China is nothing compared to task before you.

If you were a terrorist, Where would you cross ? A hundred miles of the hot inhospitable ,Arizona desert with the border patrol and snakes hiding behind every rock. Or the unguarded Canadian Border Where they caught Terrorist trying to enter the U.S. with Explosives before, or just fly into the National airport as the 9/11 attackers did ?

I have to comment on my own personal experiences for this one.

I attend university in Buffalo, NY and have lived here for 4 years. I'm not quite sure how everyone seems to think that getting into the U.S. from Canada, or into Canada from the U.S. is easy or simple, at least not from the Buffalo crossings, which is the second busiest international crossing on the Canadian border. Each and every time I have crossed with my boyfriend, who is Eastern European and has his green card, we are stopped, the car is searched, and we are asked to go into the building and have BOTH of our documents checked (and I usually have my passport with me, clearly indicating that I am American). Additionally, the Peace Bridge, which is the most traveled crossing in the area, can have delays of up to 3 hours during rush hour and an hour and a half to two hours during the weekends and holidays.

So, maybe Buffalo is just special, but, I received the same treatment crossing into Canada and back into the US through Vermont when traveling to Montreal a couple years ago. There is no flexibility or "simpleness" about entrance, and, in most situations, it is almost always met with hindrance. Canada does have an open immigration system, yes, making it easy for some to enter into Canada internationally, however, there has been some very powerful legislation on the American side to step up security as a result of Canada's immigration policies. American officials are very efficient in most Canadian border stops and generally effective in patrolling any illegal movements. On a different note, when I crossed into San Diego, CA from Tijuana, Mexico this past summer, there was a line out the door (we walked through once and drove through the next day), and the officer barely glanced at my passport, studied my boyfriend's green card for about 5 seconds, asked me if I was claiming any goods, didn't search me or anything, and let us proceed after literally ten seconds of "interrogation." I thought it was a joke.

Again, these are only my personal experiences, and I suppose that they vary with everyone, but as a veteran of Canada border crossings, I can honestly and safely say that Americans can rest assured that Canada is not inefficient and is MUCH better at doing their jobs than Mexican border patrol officers.

we need a fence on both sides. the news reported few months ago that a woman was being harassed by the canadian side about a wall she had built to keep her land from washing away. anyway canada was so ticked about it, it involved our president. in the treaty between the USA and canada we are not to build any barrier. the woman was on the united states side, just a few feet away from canada. canada wants to keep the natural look. this whole world is screwed up if you ask me.

Yep those 4000 miles sure are. Not to mention even the Border Crossings. Smartazz citizen had posted a question with a link showing how the same red bag filled with explosives or something got overlooked several times at the check point. I had a video of some kids riding over and over the border at different spots. Not once were they seen or stopped. Scares the heck out of me truthfully.

The difference between Mexico and Canada is that its harder to get into Mexico and thus less likely to provide a safe haven for foreign born terrorist threats. Canada's immigration plans are pretty scary, letting into Canada those that would never be considered for entry into the United States thus the lax security at the Canadian border represents a significant threat to the US. Canada's record on immigration, nuclear proliferation and border policy has been abysmal.

Why would anyone that's made it into Canada want to go to the US?

The northern border needs a fence too.

70% of our illegal alien criminals enter from the south. As such, that is where the lion's share of the border enforcement resources need to be.

Having said that.......the northern borders cannot be ignored in totality. It is concerning. Very concerning.

holey moley blaine is not that secure. one evening i wanted to go to canada. i didn't know what i was doing so i went around customs. i accidently entered canada illegaly. it was as easy as driving down the street!! nobody did anything to me until i wanted to go back to america. they questioned me of course. 5 mins max. then i was on my way.

That is where they caught the group who was planning to blow up the Los Angeles airport in 2000. 4000 miles of border will be impossible to protect without some kind of electric fence or something. Why are they allowing these cells to exist there. Is it because they don't feel they are targets or are they just taking their chances rather than bankrupting their country? Its a difficult situation to put it mildly.

We need to watch both, but it's two different animals. I agree people who cross over from Canada is different. Our resources is stretched too thin. I read that transferring people from the Mexican border and replacing the ones in the south would create more corruption and problems because we would not have enough experience men to train the new recruits. I wonder why so much attention is being made at that one spot. Oh it's in Washington. Maybe it's the Chinese illegal immigrants trying to get into New York.

This makes me laugh because I posed the same question to my husband in a debate to which he's decided that the only logical answer is a dome over the U.S. that is air on that movie Total Recall. Funny that we have Arnold here now and he references that.



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