Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Woman stuck to the you believe this??

I cant understand why she did not want to move from the loo. Also where did the boyfriend go to the toilet? Im sure this is a hoax!

Took him 2 years to call someone. Sorry, but that's not normal behavior for someone to sit on the toilet to the point where their legs atrophy!

I can't even sit on my toilet for more than an hour, much less a day much less a month much less a year and certainly much less than 2 years

only in America as they say !

my thoughts also, why on earth would she choose to sit in a bathroom for two years now if they had said stayed in bed for two years i would have believed that as at times i could do just that lol

No it isn't a hoax. And there was a second bathroom. I think both people have deep psychological problems.

I can't beleive it!

I mean, wouldn't sleeping have been uncomfortable?

And how did she wipe her backside if she couldn't stand up? Eurgh!

What did she do all day?

I thought this story was hillarious when i read it yest.... wot a loon!

Only in America, where they can't even work out how to get a woman off a toilet.

lmao, literally! i hope they had two toilets! that must be a hoax!

Either a hoax or they are into some nasty S & M scene...should be in psychiatric scene instead!


Ha ha, yeah, I read this too!!! It could only happen in America eh??

And I thought my girlfriends used to take a long time in the bathroom to get ready.

LMAO thats gotta be a wind up

Butternut - She was actually a very petite woman.

"Whipple was the second law enforcement officer to respond to the mobile home where McFarren and Babcock were living. Whipple, who described Babcock as a “thin, petite woman,” used a pry bar to take the seat off the toilet so the woman could be transported to the hospital where the seat was removed."

And there was a second bathroom that the boyfriend was using.

"The house had another bathroom he could use."

I don't think it is a hoax. Stranger things have happened!

If she was fully clothed how did she use the toilet?

Ok, if you all would have researched the story correctly you would know... She wasn't stuck to the toilet for two years. She had a phobia of leaving the bathroom. Most likely mentally challenged. She just stayed in the bathroom. She recently became stuck to it from sitting on it for too long. The boyfriend took care of her and they did still have their relationship*. Last but not least and to answer the original question... The trailer they lived in had two bathrooms. So the boyfriend was still able to use his own toilet!

well yes its shocking isn't it...she was to big to move herself without assistance..she was stuck apparently...remember there are people out there who are very big...have you seen half ton hospital...?? they would struggle to get in and out of the bog without help...sad isn't it...

and than they still claim, she is not crazy.

In this particular case, it was a waste of time God giving her legs. We all know that wimmin only have legs to allow them to get between the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

when i first read this i had to take a double take of the date at the top of the page

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