I have volunteered for the Special Olympics, registering and helping organize the athletes for the trials in the US. I can definitively say that they find exploitation much more offensive than a passing reference to the competition.
She clearly doesn't think much of the program, as she slashed the funding for it by 50% in her state.
Alaska State Budget:
Page 100, near the bottom
Clearly she did not think much of the Special Olympics until recently, but this morning, Obama's harmless comment warranted a press release. I wonder if she had some poor kid in a wheel chair as a prop, next to her while she made the announcement?
Do you approve of her use of the handicapped as Republican political leverage? If you think she is right in criticizing Obama, will you encourage her to reinstate the 50% of the Special Olympics funding that she decided to cut?
Palin trotted her special needs child across the stage (obviously drugged) no child stays asleep that much.
I hope they are watching her, just in case she tries to build another bridge to no where again. She's looking a bit haggered lately. Looking more like a "grandma"
Maybe it's because she is a hypocrite and turning away funding for those in her State that really need the funds and research, attempting to make a run for president in 2012.
Who is she fooling? Oh I forgot, the Moose killers from helicopters.
Unbelievable lies!!
she should speak out about it, because that was a platform issue for her..his apology is a bunch of ****..a person that is truly accepting of other people with their issues regardless of what they are wouldnt have said what he did..this is why you dont go on talk shows...especially if you are president you are going to piss someone off..perhaps he should concentrate on his job...and not his popularity
atleast she didn't go on national television and insult them.
edit: yes, she should give the funding back.
There's absolutely nothing that Sarah Palin could do to earn my vote. Ever.
obama exploited them for his own pleasure and gain.
She is turning down money with strings attached that will make the Alaska budget worse in the future
Are you a boy or a girl?
Anyways, Obama's comments are a disgrace.
Obamas comment was awful, and you know it.
That is why you posted this.
You shouldn't repeat stupid things you hear, without CORRECT sources.
Under Palinâ™s administration, Special Olympics Alaska is actually set to receive $25,000 more in fiscal year 08-09 than it did in fiscal year 07-08, according to state budget records. In the 07-08 budget approved by the Legislature, Special Olympics Alaska received $250,000 in capital monies for improving the organizationâ™s facilities and securing equipment. In the the 08-09 budget approved by the Legislature last summer, Special Olympics Alaska is slated to receive $275,000 in capital monies.
Michael... Special Olympics ASKED for $550,000.00 she rised it from previous years, from $250,000.00 to $275,000.00!!
EDIT AGAIN: What looks like a cut during the budgeting process really ended up being more capital money for Special Olympics Alaska.
The folks at Special Olympics Alaska are pleased by that.
âœIf you look at the public record, Sarah Palin has been more than supportive to Special Olympics Alaska,â said Jim Balamaci, president and CEO.
@Republican Political Leverage aka Michael... So why are you going all over this board changing your name and spreading WRONG information. I proved you are wrong and for some reason you are threatened by Sarah Palin. I'm sure you don't volunteer for anything like you say either, or you would know the truth about this matter.
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