Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why are Black Panthers in full uniform with night sticks stationed at hundreds of polling places?

Black Panthers caught on video. Check out the night stick one is holding. Video does not lie.

"Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly

Voting Intimidation By Black Panthers In Philadelphia

Black Panthers try intimidation at the polls

"Black Panther party members in full uniform are stationed at some 300 polling places in battleground states."

Civilian National Security Force

Well, first, it isn't "hundreds", it seems to be about half a dozen precincts in Philadelphia. Second, like most of the weirdo element around this election, they aren't real familiar with the procedures OR reality, and have to be deal with, rather severely, in that context. Third, you'll hear about this mainly on FOX, whose right-wing and reactionary elements savor this sort of thing. Fourth, the problem has already been dealt with.

The why part is easy: because no one stopped them early on.

You will hear less on FOX about the other side, phony baloney "vote on November 5th" handouts, racist groups detaining individual blacks, etc., etc. We have a small minority of people who, for political or racial reasons, figure they respond to the "voice of God", "the greater good", or just plain "we do it because we can!" Fortunately, there aren't many such yo-yo types around, and we're well set up to deal with them, once found.

The last article actually only cites the one polling station in Philly. However, the reason is clear: intimidate voters who might not cast their ballot for Obama. If Obama wins, expect a lot more of this in 2010 and 2012. I used to live in ultra-liberal San Francisco and voter intimidation and other dirty tricks is common at the polls there.

how can it be voter intimidation? I think they are trying to ensure that everyone who wants to vote will have their voice heard. Just think about the emails and flyers people have received telling them that election day is TOMORROW...people keep saying we are not a 3rd world country, but when it comes time to vote, the distinction gets blurry.

I have only seen proof in Philly, not disputing it but until I see more proof I will only believe that it happened in Philly

It sucks, where are Sharpton and Jackson why aren't they screaming about the very obvious voter intimidation?

Battleground states you said BATTLEGROUND does this mean we can engage and conquer Me thinks the homies might not like the outcome.


Why were Nazi skinheads wanted to kill Obama and other African Americans and they were also McCain supporters?

In case any of those Hillbilly/Redneck types start mouthing off with Racial slurs, and things get out of hand!

Holy Hyperbole, Batman!

None of these are polling stations.

Nice try though.

Shut up, drink a Coke, and watch the results 'cause that is so 5 hours ago.

Thats old its over now

to scare

Yea i read that.. I was a bit disturbed by that.. so I guess they're trying to say that ppl don't have the right to vote for whomever they want..I'm glad to cops removed them

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