Thursday, April 16, 2009

So what about Obama? Who can unify and reach across party lines to get it done the best? ?

Polls are screwy because generally they are agenda pushing in some way but when you take a poll of the polls LOL â€" it often give you a clearer view of things Not always but often. If you use polls/surveys/studies that are actually trying to look for some truth and not the ones geared to sway your opinion one way or another SO.

In 2006, the last year he was present for at least 95 percent of the votes on issues in which Bush took a clear position, Obama voted with the president nearly half the time. (His total Bush presidential agreement tally is 40 percent.) for example Obama voted for the Bush/Cheney Energy bill

According to, since 2000, McCain has voted with a majority of his fellow Senate Republicans an average of 82 percent of the time. That’s only slightly less than the average for all Republican senators, who toed the party line almost 87 percent of the time in the same period.

Meanwhile, Obama voted with a majority of Senate Democrats more than 95 percent of the time in both of his congressional sessions, while the average for Democratic senators was 87 percent.

The Congressional Research Service did the work. They looked at votes for Obama and McCain on KEY issues. The results? Barack Obama voted with Democrats 97% of the time. John McCain voted with the Republicans 79% of the time.

Now ..just sit on your hands and wait for the MoveOn Media to report that one. Sit on your hands, but for God's sake don't hold your breath.

It also shows Obama has voted with Bush 79% of the time

So Who is just another Bush? And who would be more likely to reach across party lines?

Although one candidate said he would sit across the table with those who have declared war on our Great nation because we believe in freedom so in a way if he could do that I would think he would be more than willing to work with those who supposedly are on the same side and work with them in even greater ways. Hmmmmm maybe I been wrong Lucy…..

Point being They try to tell us how a like McCain and Bush are but ya know that doesn’t quite add up. Sure in some core issues it does cause they are both practicing Christians vs Obama who is just a sit in the pew on Sunday Christian cause my grandma made me and really doesn’t believe any of it. But other wise McCain and Obama are not too far apart. Oh and Obama is racists and thinks whitey wants to keep me down. But other than those two things Yeah very similar so who do you think can better reach across the isle?

The calculation comes from data provided by Congressional Quarterly, which compiles the roll-call votes on issues in which the president has taken a clear position. The votes span everything from war funding to renewal of the Patriot Act to judicial and cabinet nominations.

And, indeed, CQ reports that in these votes McCain has averaged 90 percent agreement with the president since 2001.

However, while not exactly a case of figures lie and liars figure, there is more to this story.

John Coleman, chairman of the political science department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has researched the 90 percent assertion and told me there are a few considerations the CQ data do not include. For instance, the president could take a position on a piece of legislation without actually doing much politically to see that it passes or fails. In those instances, the phrase voted with the president might overstate the president’s political presence.

It’s also important, Coleman said, to consider issues a president supports that never reach resolution. President Bill Clinton’s attempts to change health care, for example, or Bush’s Social Security initiatives â€" neither of which show up in the CQ data because Congress never acted on them.

yes obama is a moron

mark k

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